Hounds Online, the First Encounter of ...... Nightmare!!!
I'd been on and off working on this format for two months now.
The format is not difficult.
Bones data always located right after the header of Model00p.
Mesh in Mesh00p file. Material in Mat00p file.
Up to these point they are still pretty straight forward!
When I take a closer look on Model00p. I found that Animation were there(Not sure at that moment).
Also it points to another Model00p files at some point.
Finally I found that meshes might be in the same Model00p.(OMG!)
OK, Just follow the patterns to skip the data I don't needed.
Patterns are quite regular across Hounds Online.
Stories began with knowing the game engine is Jupiter EX.(Lot of FPS using it)
One of the famous series is F.E.A.R.
At this point I decided to make it compatible with all these games.(Stupid me!)
Different version seems to have their own patterns(even same verson in different game)
It just took me forever to finish the models reversing...
Well, This is the payoff!
Next step is going for the animation!